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Press Release

RE:Vision Effects, Inc. releases SmoothKit

RE:Vision Effects has released SmoothKit, the ultimate plugin set to smooth imagery that combines user-directed controls and feature-sensitive methods.

SmoothKit is a set of special purpose filters that complements the basic blurs provided by host applications. SmoothKit’s emphasis is precise control on the filtering process, with no compromise on image quality. For example, wouldn’t it be useful to smooth out the skin in someone’s face but not eliminate the details of the hair that hangs in front of the face? In addition to “effects”, the SmoothKit toolset can be used to reduce image defects in a much more intelligent manner.
Features of SmoothKit:

* Selectively filter the luminance, or the chrominance, or each of the RGB channels independently
* Limit how much each pixel is allowed to change via a “Maximum Deviation” control
* Scale filters on a pixel-by-pixel basis by specifying optional greyscale images
* Reduce or eliminate staircasing by using the jaggie-reducing filter (especially useful in frames that have been reconstructed from fields)
* Intelligently reduce block artifacts (for example, DV or MPEG compressed footage)
* Clean up noisy images without blurring over edges, which can be very useful for keying and tracking tasks
* Soften areas without blurring important features
* Directionally filter images with per-pixel direction and strength controls
* Time blend sequences using the multi-frame (temporal) filter with several processing modes

SmoothKit is a plugin set of After Effects compatible plugins for use in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere 6.0, Apple Final Cut Pro, Discreet combustion and Pinnacle Commotion. SmoothKit supports 8 and 16 bits per channel.

SmoothKit is available immediately and through April 5, 2002 SmoothKit will be offered at an introductory price of $134.95. After April 5, SmoothKit will be priced at 169.95.

Demo versions and example movies are available on the RE:Vision Effects website, SmoothKit is a trademark of RE:Vision Effects, Inc.